Tony Lloyd and his family tree

The object of this website is to set out some of the genealogy associated with me and my immediate family. Hopefully it might be of some interest for future generations. For data protection reasons birth dates and addresses of living relatives are omitted though any queries can be addressed to the following e-mail address   

If anyone has any objections to any of the content then please contact me and I will do my best to resolve any issues

I was born in the Cottage Hospital in Lytham in May 1947. My mother, Dorothy Collins married my father, John Lloyd in 1946 on his return from active service in WW2. My parents rented a house at 3 Station Road in Lytham where my mother had been running a dressmaking business with some of the ladies who she had worked with during the war making textile products for Wellington bombers such as engine covers., Strops , seat covers etc.

My brother Richard turned up two years later and we were packed off to a small local infant school run by a Mrs De Vries followed by a prep school run by a Mrs Leathly and her sister. For various reasons my father was reluctant to send us to the local church school.

We moved to 74 Westby Street in about 1954 and my dad bought a Ford Popular Car JFV 945. There were few private cars in those days and it seemed quite exciting though it was not a “looker” unlike the Alvis that my friend Anne Marie’s dad drove around in.

At the age of 8 I succeeded in passing an entrance exam to get into the King Edward VII junior school and despite various health related setbacks, I then managed to scrape through the 11 plus to get into the senior school there.

We moved to Southport when I was 14 after my father fell out with his brother and business partner and I transferred to King George V school where I managed to collect a few A levels , got a student apprenticeship with the UKAEA and a place at Oriel college Oxford to read Engineering science. Thereafter I ended up at Price Waterhouse in London as an articled clerk, qualified as a chartered accountant and pursued various career moves into construction, computer science, food manufacturing and research before getting involved with start ups and SMEs. More recently I have done a great deal of voluntary work associated with patient representation in the NHS in the local area and I am currently Lead Governor at the Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading.

I started taking an interest in developing a family tree with the advent of on line family tree data and I developed a rather large tree with many thousands of individuals listed. During the course of this research I managed to uncover all manner of skeletons and doubtless there are one or two more yet to be uncovered.

I hope the site is of some interest and would welcome any feedback.

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